Sunday, August 25, 2019

8 - 25 - 19  Beautiful, mild, cooler days and nites arrived after the beginning of the week's very humid weather.  Crowds continue in AP and lots went to see the latest Transformer performance on the beach, Thursday nite.  Featured was Sonic Drawing: Lines in the Sand.  Summerstage on
Thursday nite, Jams on the Sand and another Summerstage on Friday nite.  Snapped pixs on the boardwalk, on the beach and the colorful sky.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

8 - 10 - 19  Beautiful, cooler days with blue skies and sunshine.  Lots of people packed the beach, boardwalk, restaurants and more.  The Thursday nite performance on the beach by Transformer Gallery in D.C. brought out many to see.  Stopped into the Carousel to see Jenn Hampton, cultural extraordinaire and two artists, Holly and Heide.  Listened to Summerstage music on Saturday nite to hear Dark Star Orchestra, lots of hula hoops and dancing going on.

Friday, August 2, 2019

8 - 2 - 19  Cool, breezes from the south, continue on the boardwalk and by the ocean.  Snapped pixs on the beach, on the boardwalk of lovely ladies and the Thursday evening performance that is performance art on the beach. Also, a new Wooden Walls art piece by gal from Philly, PA.