Saturday, August 28, 2021

8 - 28 - 21 Much cooler day, no humidity, gray and now raining with strong winds from the east off the ocean. High waves, rough ocean waters, strong winds making it difficult to walk on the boardwalk. People are coming to see the rough waters.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

8 - 26 - 21 Another hot, hot, hot day, best to be at the beach and in the ocean. Cool breezes off the ocean, made it comfortable to be there. Not many people out walking the boardwalk, due to the heat and high humidity.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

8 - 25 - 21 Sunny day, warm, but there is a breeze from the east off the ocean, making it the place to be. Lots of people are still on the beach, enjoying the coolness, into early evening, lots walking on the boardwalk, cooling off.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

8 - 24 - 21 Hot, hot, hot day and very humid. Breeze from the west, then less breeze later in the day. People staying on the beach and in the ocean to stay cool.

Sunday, August 22, 2021

8 - 22 - 21 Took a walk on the boardwalk to see how the ocean looked and how big the waves are, after Hurricane Henri, went up the coast from NYC to New England. Ocean looks pretty, sky pretty and lots of surfers were out riding the 3 ft. waves.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

8 - 12 - 21 Hot, hot, hot day inland, but much cooler on the beach and boardwalk with the cool breeze from the south. Definitely, the place to be. Lots of people out to enjoy, swimming in the ocean, sitting on the beach.

Friday, August 6, 2021

8 - 6 - 21 Sunny day, cool, cool breeze from the south and off the ocean. Lots of waves, strong current for people going in the water, whre the lifeguards are. Lots of people on the beach and on the boardwalk, sitting on benches, sitting on the beach and eating outdoors. Very refreshing to be near the ocean.