Saturday, July 31, 2021

7 - 31 - 21 A beautiful day, low temperature, breeze from the south. Packed beach, packed boardwalk, everyone enjoying themselves. People still in the ocean, others doing outdoor dining or grabbing something to eat and sitting on a beach. Summerstage at The Stone Pony has music going on, lots of people are enjoying it.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

7 - 28 - 21 A perfect weather nite, cool and a lite breeze, very refreshing. Taking a walk on the boardwalk and snapping pixs along the way of a few people enjoying it all.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

7 - 27 - 21 A beautiful, breezy nite on the boardwalk. Many people still sitting on the beach, enjoying the cool, fresh air. Some people are getting an ice-cream, others are doing outdoor dining or taking a stroll on the boardwalk.

Sunday, July 25, 2021

7 - 25 - 21 Strong south breeze, making for a very pleasant day on the beach and boardwalk. Some clouds, some sunshine. Lots of people walking on the boardwalk to enjoy the cool air.

Saturday, July 24, 2021

7 - 24 - 21 Beautiful, cooler day with lots of sunshine and breeze. Lots and lots of people on the beach and the boardwalk and into the evening. Everyone enjoying themselves while on the beach, sitting on a bench, getting ice-cream or outdoor dining. A delightful day for all.

Friday, July 23, 2021

7 - 23 - 21 Beautiful day, cool breeze, mild temperature, all continued during my walk on the boardwalk. Pleasant sitting on the beach or a bench, having an ice-cream or doing outdoor dining. Everyone enjoying the early evening.